Wednesday, February 16, 2011

WAPF meeting

on tuesday, the 12th, i went to a meeting of the Westin A. Price Foundation's Chicago chapter. before i arrived here the chapter learder, Jill Eloise, had provided me with helpful information regarding nutritious and holistic food sources around Chicago. that's her job, among other things like coordinating these meetings.

there were many people there this time to catch the presentation from Green Pasture, a producer of high-quality nutrition products. some members of my family have been consuming cod liver oil and butter oil from them for over a year now. i have taken doses of cod liver oil occasionally and am interested in making it a regular thing for a while and observing the results. you can read about the purported benefits, supported by sound scientific research and historical evidence, at their website. the WAPF site also provides information on the benefits of traditional cod liver oil and high quality butter.

Dave Wetzel of Green Pasture provided us with an outline of the history of cod liver oil, along with the visual aid of slides. i found the slides of adds and packaging particularly interesting, and i know jana would have liked them for their design. he told us a bit about how the cod liver oil is fermented and the rigorous testing that is done to ensure the high quality product. the results of these tests were all shown in slides, though we skipped over many. lots of data. there was some discussion about the importance of certain nutritional elements in the product. all very informative.

i tried the samples of 'emulsified' cod liver oil. the mint was rather strong for my taste. i enjoyed the sweetness of the licorice flavor. these products are going to be available in a month or two. because of the addition of other ingredients there is a little less cod liver oil in each bottle, and it is the same price as plain. i ended up buying (with cash for an additional discount!) two bottles of cod liver oil, one of butter oil, and one of skate liver oil.

there was a woman there selling kefir grains and i got a small amount for $3. after two batches i have not had any good results.
i talked to jill and shared samples of dried bull whip kelp with her and the kefir lady. i gave jill a jar of dried sugar kelp on behalf of my brother and i, who harvested it together on orcas island last summer. he is the WAPF chapter leader on orcas so i thought this an important connection. i also gave jill a small container of dried fairy ring mushrooms i foraged and dried on orcas in september. there was no wonderful potluck, but there was a lot of information shared and friendly conversation enjoyed.

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