Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Conversation Pies

Yesterday my awesome co-worker "Michael" gave me two leftover pieces of a couple of savory Finnish vegetable pies that he made for a valentine's day potluck held in his department. They were made using chopped cabbage, carrots, parsnips, green onions and garlic. To add even more deliciousness, sunflower seeds, brown rice and Emmentaler cheese were added. They were seasoned perfectly and were really filling.

Instead of having them for dinner Davis and I had them for breakfast this morning. I heated the hefty slices up and topped them off with an egg over-easy and some yogurt cheese.

I wanna eat that every day.

davis' notes:

yes this pie was quite a pleasure to behold and to consume. We decided it would be okay in this case to eat flour that wasn't fresh-milled or fermented (as in sourdough), and the little bit of cane sugar that was used in the crust, even though we have recently renewed our commitment to limit these in our diets.
the eggs were perfectly cooked and this is jana's first great success with this style! she tells me scrambled is how she has always done. it gives me pleasure to observe her trying new things and gaining new skills in cooking. she really does have a useful intuition about the elements involved.
the yogurt cheese was very fine-textured, like frosting, as it was made from a very unusual batch of yogurt. i may have just needed to let the yogurt incubate longer than the eight hours. the next batch took nearly eleven hours! it turned out nice and thick and not too sour. the cheese was just a little finer than in this picture, which is of the batch made from the other jar of that day's yogurt.

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