Tuesday, May 24, 2011

pizza and pigs

yesterday jana and i enjoyed one of the wonderful, wood fired pizza's from Inn at Ship Bay. we had it topped with italian salami and some of the nettle that we had picked earlier was placed under the cheese. we had beers and sat at a very nicely finished picnic table with some friendly locals and their crazy kids.
my brother learner was the lead hired for the construction of their mobile cob oven! when i saw them at the farmer's market last year i resisted their tantalizing pizza because it is made with white flour, and i try to eat only fresh-ground, whole grain flour products (mostly sourdough bread and porridge). but i do occasionally make exceptions and this was a good occasion to do so. the weather was fair and we were on the way home from a strenuous hike up Turtle Back Mountain. i rarely eat out and wanted to share this special treat with jana, my guest from chicago. we even had some marionberry cobbler. i was relieved when i heard that annie, the chef, uses lard in her baking.
pigs are raised at the inn and annie took us and the friendly locals to see them after dinner. they are Mangalitsa pigs, a wooly variety. a bit of nearby foliage, elderberry i think, that i tossed to them was eaten very slowly. i didn't know before that this inn was such a radical place!